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Swarrael Rhotsatzawyn

Age: 26-27
race: sea wolf roegadyn
Job: dragoon (arr-hw), astrologian (sb-)
Namesday: January 31
Deity: Azeyma, the sun
Place of birth: the golden bazaar, thanalan
Alias: "Black Doe, Daughter of the Red Dancer", Swarrael of the Distant Star, 'Rael
lacking in memories and faith, you continue to press on.
because you have to. because no one else would...
swarrael is much more withdrawn than the average roegadyn. she prefers the company of books to people, and likes to keep her feelings bottled up. often her smile doesn't reach her eyes and her expressions distant. a better way to describe her would be 'perpetually dazed'.
she is quite carefree despite it all, though her spotty memory leaves her easily confused. her polite and non-intrusive personality is appreciated by her associates, though sometimes they wish she'd speak up more.

early life - 1.x
swarrael hails from a small sea wolf community stranded in thanalan, born youngest of five. coming from a long line of dancers and bards, her now lost childhood was filled with music and laughter. once upon a time, she used to dance with her father besides the open flame, while her siblings sang and played music.
she left her home at age 18, picking up odd jobs that let her travel between the city-states. her cheerful demeanor quickly disappeared as she's thrown into the real world, replaced by bitter resentments.
calamity (20)
swarrael was steering a chocobo cart near ul'dah at the time when her ride was upturned by a voidsent, sending her crashing upon the dirt. the encounter nearly took her life until a kind stranger came to her rescue.
her vulnerable state left her severely impacted by the collective amnesia that soon fell over the population. once she woke, she found all her memories gone, bleached by the sun and never to return.

a realm reborn (25)
aimless and without a clear goal, swarrael wanders until she finds herself writing down her name at the gridanian adventurer's guild. her personality now defined by what others want of her. she is your weapon of light.
seeking refuge at ishgard after the coup, she has to rapidly grow out of her own shell to take care of alphinaud and tataru. while she's still coming onto her own, the repeated loss of her friends sent her reeling. on the final march towards nidhogg, she broke down from the pressure, ultimately having to use hresvelgr's eye to defeat him.
she retired from the mantle of the azure dragoon at the same time as estinien, struggling to cope with the trauma she's been dealt. taking up healing instead, she now hopes childishly to one day end the cycle of violence.

stormblood (26)
shadowbringers (27)

her version of the echo manifests as violent and painful bouts of migraine. often she's left unconscious by a vision.a green thumb.has heterochromia.often finds herself dancing to music when she's by herself, unsure why and how she picked up some of the dances. naturally gifted performer.does not remember her last name, having not kept any written records of it when she awoke post-calamity.her eyesight is quite poor, requiring her to wear glasses in dungeons.she is max height.
Ririel Toutouel

Age: 19
race: dunesfolk lalafell
job: BLM, SCH, SGE
Namesday: August 11
Deity: Oschon, The Wanderer
Place of birth: Ul'dah
Alias: monetarist lordling, "little prince"
like a child, you crave their attention and praise. you want to be told you are the best, that you're the most important...
born as the only child of a monetarist family, ririel has had an incredibly easy life. as a result, he's quite apathetic towards most things, with a superiority complex to boot. believes with all his heart he can pay his way out of thal's grasp.
if he had known he would not be able to return to a life of luxury when he came back from his adventures, he would have stayed in ul'dah, taking over the family business.

early life - 1.x
ririel's family is notorious in dealing with/making money off of adventurers' insurance. appropriately, they have close ties with the ossuary, where ratae spent most of his childhood, fostering his apathy towards most living things. his parents desperately wanted him to take over the family business, but he cannot seem to get fully into it.
ririel ran away from home at age 17, not because he disagreed with the monetarist practice, but as a way to lash out at his family for a slight.
a realm reborn (17-18)
ririel 's attitude slowly changes as he goes on his adventures. one may note he's a touch more expressive, as he encounters new and surprising experiences.
actively challenges minfillia and alphinaud for the authority role within the scions. he only appears to slay primals, otherwise, he's off to a negotiation meeting, talking over the eorzean leaders as we speak.

Post-Arr (19)
his competitive streak continues as he tries to usurp alphinaud's commander role of the crystal braves. the eventual betrayal hit him quite hard, and his monetarist background further complicated the plot of the syndicate. this is the final straw for his family, who disowned him as a result.
now disgraced and a fugitive, he hid in camp drybone for weeks, until finally found and brought to ishgard.
he is smart, with a prodigious talent of picking up new skills. whether he puts effort into things is another matter entirely.Extremely picky eater. mealtimes in his household is a nightmare.he is childhood friends-kinda-acquaintances with cocobusi, with them being close in age. ratae's family allowed him to hide in their manor during the Calamity, as the sultana's seven took to the streets.up until a few years ago, pyrst'a was his bodyguard.funnily enough both of these people have tried to kill him before. it's complicated. (cocobusi during the THM quest and pyrst'a,,,)he is min height.
Pyrst'a Shio

Age: 24
race: keeper of the moon mi'qote
job: bodyguard (formerly), gladiator, paladin
Namesday: October 10
Deity: Nald'thal, the Traders
Place of birth: Ul'dahn slums
Alias: pyrs'
Conie Viras

Age: 32
race: rava viera
job: twin adders' conjurer (formerly), red mage, summoner
Namesday: April 1
Deity: Nald'thal, the Traders
Place of birth: gridania
Alias: n/a